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Deep memory of Dr. Barry William Boehm



Dr. Barry William Boehm passed away peacefully in his Santa Monica home in Los Angeles at 11:38 pm August 20, 2022, at the age of 87.

During the final days of Dr. Barry William Boehm, many of his students, colleagues, and friends visited him, shared the stories they had together, thanked and said goodbye to him.

Dr. Barry William Boehm is a legend in the software engineering community and a member of the American Academy of Engineering. He is the father of software engineering economics, and his legacy not only includes the famous Spiral model, the COCOMO model, and the value-based software engineering theory, but also his wise and noble personality. His passing has made the world lose a true great man.

Dr. Barry William Boehm is the best friend of the ISCAS, and an honorary doctor of the ISCAS. Since his first visit in 2005, we have established a long-term and strong collaborative partnership. We established the Joint Software Engineering Research Laboratory (JSERL), and successively hold 9 international joint workshops, before the COVID pandemic in 2019.

Dr. Barry William Boehm was a generous, gentle, humble and kind person. His great accomplishments, his fundamental contributions, and his friendship are the great legacy to the world. During more than ten years, he has visited many universities and research institutions of China. He is our mutual friend, whom we will always love and miss.