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[1-7]Energy-balanced Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks


Title:Energy-balanced Data Collection in Wireless Sensor Networks
Speaker:Hong shen 
Time:10:00 am, Jan. 7, 2010
VenueLecture Room 334, Level 3 Building #5

Energy consumption is a major concern in the deployment of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) due to the limited power supply in WSNs. In this talk I will show that applying mixed-routing and crona-devision strategies we can achieve balanced energy consumption and maximize network lifetime for data gathering WSNs of arbitrary topologies. First I will present stretagies to balance intra-crona energy consumption by applying zone-based partitioning within each crona, and inter-crona energy consmuption by setting a proper ratio of mixed routing for each crona, respectively. Then I will show how to maximize network lifetime by setting a proper number of cronas for the network and a proper sub-cronas within each crona. Finally I will describe an energy-balanced data gathering protocol and its extension to large-scale WSNs. Simulation results of our protocol in comparison with existing protocols (MEDGT, DT, LEACH) are also given.


Dr. Hong Shen is Professor (Chair) of Computer Science in University of Adelaide, Australia.He became a full professor in 2000 in Griffith University, Australia, and was professor and chair of Computer Networks Lab in Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST) during 2001-2006. His main research interests include parallel and distributed computing, algorithms, networking, web caching, data mining and multimedia systems. He has published 250+ papers, with 100+ papers in international journals including a variety of IEEE and ACM transcations. He has served on editorial boards of 10 international journals including IEEE Transactions on Computers, and received various honours and awards.