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[4-25]Process Determination via the Incremental Commitment Spiral Model


Title:Process Determination via the Incremental Commitment Spiral Model

Speaker:Dr. Barry Boehm, University of Southern California

Time:9:30-11:30am, April 25th, 2011.

Venue: Lecture Room, Level 4,  Building No. 5


The wide variety of software-intensive systems needed to support the new horizons of evolving technology, system and software complexity, high dependability, global interoperability, emergent requirements, and adaptability to rapid change make traditional and current one-size-fits-all process models infeasible. This talk presents the process framework, principles, practices, and case studies for a new model developed and being used to address these challenges. It has a series of risk-driven decision points that enable projects to converge on whatever combination of agile, plan-driven, formal, legacy-oriented, reuse-oriented, or adaptive processes that best fit a project’s situation. The talk discusses the decision table for common special cases; exit ramps for terminating non-viable projects; support of concurrent engineering of requirements, solutions and plans; and evidence-based commitment milestones for synchronizing the concurrent engineering. The talk will include case studies and exercises for participants’ practice and discussion.