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[9-9]A Safety-Critical Java Technology Compatibility Kit


Title: A Safety-Critical Java Technology Compatibility Kit

Speaker: Anders P. Ravn (Aalborg University, Denmark)

Time: 9th September 2014, 15:00

Venue: Seminar Room (334), Level 3, Building 5, Institute of Software, CAS


In order to claim conformance with a given Java Specification Request(JSR), a Java implementation has to pass all tests in an associated Technology Compatibility Kit (TCK). We present development of test cases and tools for the draft Safety-Critical Java (SCJ) specification.

In previous work we have shown how the Java Modeling Language (JML) is applied to specify conformance constraints for SCJ, and how JML-related tools may assist in generating and executing tests. Here we extend this work with a layout forconcrete test cases including checking of results in a simplified version of JUnit. The simplifications makes the test suite executable on resource constrained platforms. Also, the design of the suite is made more portable to other VMs with a SCJ implementation.


Anders P. Ravn is professor of computing at the department of computer science, Aalborg University, Denmark. His research areas include software engineering, software components, real-time programming, software fault tolerance and hybrid systems. He has held numerous positions at academia and industry, including at IBM T. J. Watson Research Lab., at Oxford University and at Denmark Technical University. He was former member of the steering committee for the conference series Hybrid Systems: Computation and Control, and also of the steering committee for the Euromicro Real-Time Systems conference series. He is member of IFIP Working Group 2.2 on Foundations of Programming Concepts, and member of the Expert Committee for JSR 302: Safety-Critical Java Technology. In total, he has (co)authored two books, edited seven conference proceedings, and published 31 journal articles, 9 book chapters and 87 peer-reviewed international conference papers. He is a Knight of the Order of Dannebrog.