[4-21]The Many Faces of Sequence Data Processing
Title:The Many Faces of Sequence Data Processing Speaker: Tingjian Ge (University ofMassachusetts, USA) Time: 10:00am, Thursday, 21April, 2016 Venue: Middle-Lecture Room, 4th Floor, Building #5, Institute of Software, CAS |
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Abstract:Sequence data, also known as data streams, play an important role in data analytics research aswell as Computer Science in general. Such data are prevalent: texts, biological sequences, ECGsignals, time series, traffic sensory data, business and server logs, smartphone and social networkdata are just a few examples. In a broad sense, big data collected over time can be deemed assequence data. A common type of analytical query over streams is pattern matching, also knownas complex event processing.A few complexities must be dealt with for real-world sequence data. For example, it may beproduced at a high rate by unreliable devices and/or communicated through wireless networks(hence the data has noise). Moreover, patterns may need to take into consideration diversesemantics including parallel sub-patterns and graph structures. In this talk, I will describe a fewlines of work we have carried out in the past few years on this topic. For pattern semantics, Idiscuss a few variants: subsequences, extended regular expressions, parallel and interleavingpatterns, and subgraph-with-timing patterns. I also describe some algorithmic techniques toefficiently match the complex events in real time.
Speaker Biography:Tingjian Ge is an associate professor in the Computer Science Department of the University ofMassachusetts, Lowell. He received a Ph.D. from Brown University in 2009. Prior to that, he gothis Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in Computer Science from Tsinghua University and UCDavis, respectively, and worked at Informix and IBM in California for six years. From 2009 to2011 he worked as an assistant professor at the University of Kentucky. His research areas are indata management and big data analytics, with topics including noisy and uncertain data, datastreams, and data security and privacy. He is a recipient of the NSF CAREER Award in 2012,and a Teaching Excellence Award at UMass Lowell in 2014. He often serves as a ProgramCommittee member in major database and data mining conferences such as SIGMOD, ICDE,VLDB, and ICDM, and served as the Program Chair of New England Database Day 2015.