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[07-16] Sapienz deployment at Facebook


       Title:  Sapienz deployment at Facebook 

  Speaker:  Mark Harman  (Facebook and UCL) 

  Venue:  Seminar Room (Room 334), Building 5, Institute of Software, CAS 

  Time:  10:00, July 16th, Tuesday 2019  



  This talk is based on Mark's POPL 2019 keynote and his  ISSTA 2019 keynote: 

  This talk will describe the deployment of Sapienz, a system for automated test case design that uses Search Based Software Engineering (SBSE) and which has been deployed at Facebook since October 2017 to design test cases, localise and triage faults to developers and to monitor their fixes (and, since August 2018, also to automate the process of fixing some of these faults). This talk also outlines 4 open challenges for Software Testing in general and Search Based Software Testing in particular, arising from our experience with the Sapienz System Deployment at Facebook. The challenges may also apply more generally, thereby representing opportunities for the research community to further benefit from the growing interest in automated test design in industry.  

  The talk is an account of the joint work of the whole Sapienz team and its partners and collaborators at Facebook. 


  Short Biography: 

  Mark Harman works full time at Facebook London and also holds a part-time professorship at UCL. At Facebook he works with the Sapienz team. Sapienz has been deployed to test mobile apps, leading to thousands of bugs being automatically found and in multimillion line communications and social media apps in daily use by over 1.4Bn people worldwide. He co-founded the field SBSE, a research area with authors spread over more than 40 countries, and is also known for work on source code analysis, software testing, app store analysis and empirical software engineering. He received the IEEE Harlan Mills Award and the ACM Outstanding Research Award in 2019 for this work. In addition to Facebook itself, Marks scientific work is also supported by an ERC advanced fellowship grant and by the UK EPSRC funding council.