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Kgraph System 2017-05-23
CBS: Community-based Bus System as Routing Backbone for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networds 2017-05-22
The big data open source community meetup was held 2014-03-31
Service Release Conference of Public Technology Service Platform was held 2014-03-31
Two scientific project has been granted the Second-level of National Science and Technology Progress Awards 2014-03-31
A Toolkit for Generating Sentences from Context-Free Grammars 2011-10-21
Holographic Reduction: A Domain Changed Application and its Partial Converse Theorems 2011-10-21
Sequential Event Pattern Based Design of Context-Aware Adaptive Application 2011-02-24
Study on Cloud Computing Security 2010-12-28
Formalized Approach for Componentized Software Process Modeling 2010-12-28
SKLOIS and King Saud University Reached A Cooperation Agreement 2009-06-15
The 2nd ISCAS/USC/UMASS Workshop was held successfully 2009-06-10
ISCAS-UQ cooperation strengthened as new Joint Lab launched 2008-10-14
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