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[5-26]2010 Algorithm and Information Day 2010-05-24
[5-25]Typed iterators for XML 2010-05-24
[5-12]Improving Software Quality with Parfait 2010-05-11
[5-11]Grammar Inference Technology Applications in Software Engineering 2010-04-30
[5-5]Tags Meet Ratings: Improving Collaborative Filtering with Tag-Based Neighborhood Method 2010-04-30
[4-28]Community Structures in Large Networks 2010-04-27
[4-22]Seminar on internet-based control systems design and application 2010-04-07
[4-21]Connection between Logical Approach and Algebraical Approach to Concurrent Systems 2010-04-02
[4-20]An Abuse-Free Fair Contract Signing Protocol Based on the RSA Signature 2010-04-13
[4-19]Challenges, Approaches and Benefits of Standardisation for Safety in Railway 2010-04-19
[4-14]Asymptotically Optimal Strategy-Proof Mechanisms for Two-Facility Games 2010-04-02
[4-13]Modeling and Management of Obligations in Security Policies 2010-04-08
[4-12]CAP UNIFICATION : A Tool for Crypto Protocol Analysis 2010-04-02
[4-7]A logic for reasoning about computational indistinguishability--- Cryptography viewed from logic and programming languages 2010-04-02
[3-17]Empirical Software Engineering and its Challenges 2010-03-17
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