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[5-25]Logical characterisations and compositionality of input-output conformance simulation 2017-05-23
[4-25]Formal methods and agile development: towards a happy marriage 2017-04-21
[4-21] A Brief Tutorial on the Prototype Verification System (PVS) 2017-04-18
[4-21]Tempo: From Data Streams to Graph Streams, from Searching to Mining 2017-04-17
[3-24]Fake News: the View from Natural Language Generation 2017-03-22
[3-16]Understanding and Detecting Wake Lock Misuses for Android Applications 2017-03-13
[1-22]Context Model for 3D Scene Understanding 2017-01-20
[2017-1-10]Towards Better Adequacy of Neural Machine Translation 2017-01-09
[11-21]Adventures in Code Generation 2016-11-16
[11-18] Computer Assisted Mathematical Proofs: Successes and Limitations 2016-11-15
[10-31]Mining Input Grammars for Security 2016-10-27
[9-26]FDR3: current and recent developments in CSP model checking 2016-09-26
[9-14] Towards Engineering Green, Fast, and Reliable Mobile Applications 2016-09-09
[7-27]Computational Models of Referring and their place in Natural Language Generation 2016-07-26
[7-27]Integrative Network Analytics for Insights Generation from Massive Healthcare Data 2016-07-26
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