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[2018-12-4] A component-based approach for cyber-physical systems in differential dynamic logic 2019-12-23
[2018-11-12] Towards a Form-independent Semantics for NLP 2019-12-23
[2018-9-13] A Verified Implementation of the Bounded List Container 2019-12-23
[2018-8-16] The Limits of Symmetric Computation 2019-12-23
[2018-6-29] Conditional Congruence Closure Algorithms for Uninterpreted and Interpreted symbols 2019-12-23
[2018-6-27] Design and Analysis for Real-Time Mixed-Criticality Scheduling 2019-12-23
[2018-6-22] Historical and Futuristic Perspectives of Robotics 2019-12-23
[2018-6-26] From algorithmic learning of languages to learning probability distributions (and back) 2019-12-23
[2018-6-21] Superset Disassembly: Statically Rewriting x86/64 Binaries Without Heuristics 2019-12-23
[2018-6-21] Smart Contracts: Vulnerabilities and An Alternative 2019-12-23
[2018-06-20] Offerings from the Classification Program for Counting Problems 2019-12-23
[2018-6-13] Joint Inference Approaches for Event Coreference Resolution 2019-12-23
[2018-6-15] Rethinking the cloud for next-generation applications 2019-12-23
[2018-6-8] Simple betting strategies in warped casinos 2019-12-23
[2018-6-4] Sensing + Interaction on and around the Body 2019-12-23
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